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It's because Adoption Services are solely focused on meeting their adoption targets, brought in by Tony Blair as their jobs are on the line. They focus on the most easy to adopt children, so that often well-adjusted, happy children are taken away on the flimsiest of pretexts and a whole lot of false accusations. In the Family Courts, evidence is not needed - just the word of the social worker, and some of the judges have vested interests in large shares in children's homes. I have been witness to social workers lies about situations where I was actually there. Many families are having to flee the country to keep their children. This has happened to two people I know, including my godchildren. Being middle-class and intelligent often means you can put up more of a fight if you have the money, but only 1% of parents win in the Family Court. They will come up with one accusation after another, sometimes contradicting themselves and trying to get doctors to change their diagnoses. At the moment. I think there is only one Lib Dem MP fighting this. It constitutes child trafficking.

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