Isn’t Teesport one of the Freeports / Special Economic Zones that are supposed to be a Brexit benefit because they don’t have to abide by EU state aid law?

From what I understand these will essentially be corporate fiefdoms that offer little to taxpayers and residents. I have read that people’s homes could potentially be subjected to compulsory purchase under these fiefdoms.

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What's happened at Teesworks could have happened whether it was a freeport or not.

That's to say there's nothing about it being a freeport that's enabled two businessmen to make the money that they have at the expense of the public sector.

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But by being a Freeport it will make their grift more profitable for them.

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As someone who has been investigating Teesworks full time for over two years, I think the freeport is a red herring. The story is about the transfer of public assets for free.

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I have been following European Powell Substack. He is very concerned about the wider impact of Freeports:


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As I say, I've been investigating Teesside for two years, I've been in the High Court to report on what's been going on. I'm a professional expert on this story. He has me blocked on social media.

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I have been looking for someone who can provide expert analysis on what he says. His projections are disturbing but do not have any traction. Why did he block you?

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