The huge amounts that Britain taxes it people it certainly wouldn’t hurt for the government to finance all or at least a very major part of the cost. If the people are required to feed the kitty just watch it poop I would suggest all their money first goes into the reputable bank that will agree to hold the money in escrow for an agent also picked an agree on by a majority vote of at least 70% consent of those paying into the deal this will be under the custody of a Swiss accounting firm again the best there is known for its honesty integrity and its ability to provide information to clients at a days notice on any matter they handle for their clients who as I already said are the British tax payers who are paying over an above their usual taxable amounts by a % TBD and agree to by those most affected which would be those being taxed that are in fact putting their own money into the fund (mention before) to pay for a completed project. The project if it has any additional costs or expenses that need to be funded no matter the amount or the reasons for increase in of the amount(s) of that the project builders are responsible for or not responsible for be they cost of material increases no matter how significant or in significant.

Furthermore it will be the duty of the government to ensure that they watch the costs of the project to insure no such occurrence in fact occurs.

back to Swiss company accounting the books will balance each day at days end and again at each week weeks end if simple double entry book keeping can be used to balance someone’s personal check book I can’t see why a project’s checks can’t be used to keep track of all the items and companies that are paid by check and all items companies corporations individuals individual business etc cetera will paid by check for their pay be that daily weekly monthly quarterly or bi yearly, yearly.

If it’s discovered that any of the afore mentioned have misappropriated misuse or otherwise violated laws or regulations or even misstated what the requested check was to be used for or the money that check represents was misuse misdirected or inappropriately applied for any other reason than the reason requested for the check ie money then any all laws concerning misappropriation of funds or Monies or any other illicit manner of obtaining money by subterfuge misstatement or other means of obtaining money using deceit or deception will apply and directed to the person(s) in direct relation with courts that brings such charges to the courts attention for reviewing in order to bring criminal charges against those mentioned for prosecution by a criminal court and a a jury of their peers will called to proclaim the verdict if guilty or innocent where the judge will make their final judgement in accordance with the laws taking the juries ruling into consideration.

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Please note the following grammatical error - position of 'only' in the sentence - 'this link can be used only once' is the correct word order.

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"I t apostrophe s" is incorrect in one of your articles as it appears to mean 'belonging to it'. eg the cat fed its kittens - no apostrophe! 'it's' is an abbreviated version of "it is". Please note the difference! Thank you.


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